The First Amendment guarantees Americans the freedom to worship as they choose. Religious freedom includes two complementary protections: the right to religious belief and expression and a guarantee that the government neither prefers religion over non-religion nor favors particular faiths over others. Today the Orisha worshipping community is faced with opposition from those who feel we should not be lawfully allowed to practice our faith. We will remain vigilant and inform the public when our freedom is challenged.
October 29, 2016 Mr. Dave Archambault II, Chairman Mr. Steve Sitting Bear, External Affairs Director Standing Rock Sioux Tribe PO Box D, Bldg #1, N. Standing Rock Avenue Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538 SENT VIA EMAIL: Dear Honorable Chairman […]
Oloshas United Defends Our Religious Freedom
Oloshas United responds to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’, The Deseret News article on Santería
The Fight Against ARM (Animal Recovery Mission)
Oloshas United is concerned with what appears to be a concerted agenda to discredit the sacrificial rites practiced by Orisha and other African religions in the United States.
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